Christian Otto, Ayumi Rahnc4 projects Copenhagen
Text: Ayumi Rahn, 2013
1:We have to think about what we want to say. The best thing would be to note
down everything. All the points. Everything that comes into our heads.
1:It’s important how we start.
2:The beginning.
1:It’s important to not directly describe the concept.
1:The concept must be captured indirectly. From the side.
1:So? Do you have any idea how we should start?
2:Why not exactly like this? Let’s start with you suggesting not to describe the
concept directly.
1:In the dialogue I will be ☆.
2:How do you mean?
2:What? You are C.O. and I am A.R.!
☆:Under no circumstances do I want my name to be revealed.
A.R.: But aren’t we exhibiting under our own names?
☆:So what.
A.R.: Why should pseudonyms talk about our concept, or talk indirectly about
our concept, or talk about us talking indirectly about our concept? We
should be talking. Everything else is pointless.
Art:And if I were to be Art?
A.R.: Who would I be then?
Art1:I’ll be Art1 and you’ll be Art2.
Art2:I am the one who decides who’s talking, and I think you should be C.O..
C.O.: The works look good next to each other.
A.R.:You think so?
C.O.: Perhaps you might try to imitate my work some time, and vice versa?
A.R.:Or you carry on working where I left off?
C.O.: Regarding the starting point-
A.R.:Yeah, what is your starting point?
C.O.: The rose window is definitely not the starting point.
A.R.:Because starting points are seldom in the window, more likely to be
in the archives.
C.O.: No. I don’t like these words.
A.R.: Because if there were starting points in the archive, then the rose window
would be like a lens, bundling the light from different directions and
dispersing it again.
C.O.: Wow, that sounds awful.
A.R.:You’re right.
C.O.: It can’t be written like that.
C.O.: The gradient is no good. It’s too simple.
A.R.:That’s exactly what I like. I think it’s great.
C.O.: Suppose you got given this flyer. You didn’t make it, you’re seeing it
for the first time. Would this exhibition interest you?
C.O.: You’re saying that because you made the flyer. Imagine now, that you
didn’t make it.
A.R.:Totally objectively? If I saw this flyer, I would definitely want to see this
C.O.: You’re lying.
☆thanks to Kasia Fudakowski☆
c4 projects, Dybbølsgade 60, 1721 Copenhagen,